One Person One Family One Community
As the story goes, there was a young boy walking along a beach where dozens of starfish lay dying in the hot sun. The boy was picking them up one at a time, throwing them back in the cool ocean waters. An obviously wiser adult spoke, imparting his knowledge to the lad after inquiring what the boy was up to. The man delcared, "You're wasting your time! Look at all the starfish. You will never make a difference, there are too many." The boy stood next to the man, looked down at the starfish in his hand, then turned and tossed it in the ocean. The boy responded, "I made a difference for that one."
Thus the driving philosophy of Seeds of Life International; we agree there are so many troubling issues in the world today, but we are firmly convinced that anyone can make a difference for One Person One Family One Community.
Here is your chance to make that difference by being the kind-hearted boy rather than the wise old sage. We recently went to the Lower Amazon Basin where we discovered that Zika is at epidemic levels in Curiónopolis and Eldorado. In one morning, 9 out of 10 homes visited had residents suffering from Zika.
The medical clinics in both towns have been crowded with hundreds of patients afflicted with the virus. Unfortunately, we didn’t witness any of the exceedingly poor using any type of insect repellent during the two days we spent in Curionopolis and Eldorado.
![]() Young Boy in CuriónopolisThis young man was abandoned by his parents. His grandparents are providing for him to the best of their abilities. They were living in a rundown shack, but thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, we were able to pay for the construction of a modest brick home. | ![]() Zika is RampantThis wonderful couple (Val and Maryline) lives with several of their children in Eldorado. Maryline was recently diagnosed with Zika. |
![]() EldoradoThis young fellow seemed quite content to play in a tub of water with his siblings unaware of the threat of Zika, which is spreading rapidly through the communities of Eldorado and Curiónopolis. | ![]() Reaction to Food DonationThis wonderful mother and grandmother was overwhelmed with emotion after being given a month's supply of food for her family. |
![]() Taking Food HomeThank you to everyone who made this scene possible. #Generosity | ![]() Single Man in Serra PeladaThis man has been waiting over 35 years to receive payment for his stake in a gold mine in the area. On this day he got food and great conversation. |
![]() EldoradoThis little girl lives with her siblings and mother in Eldorado. Mom was suffering from Zika at the time of our visit. | ![]() EldoradoBeing content despite the threat of Zika. |
Here is where HOPE enters the scene. We are compelled to make a call for immediate donations of $10 or more in the next 30 days. All donor money will be used to purchase insect repellent to send directly to these two communities. Also, we are reaching out to two repellent manufacturers asking for donations of their products. Our goal is to get 1000 plastic containers of lotion repellent to the Lower Amazon by the end of July.
This is an easy way for anyone to make a possible life saving difference for One Person One Family One Community.