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Agents of Change

0 to 5 NOW

According to a 2015 study released by the World Health Organization, children ages newborn to five years of age are at extreme risk in under developed countries. In fact, 11 children 5 and under die every minute due to poverty related issues. Thus, we are launching the 0 to 5 NOW Campaign. Our goal is to raise $2500 by June 1, 2016. All donations will go directly towards the purchase of emergency food supplies for families with children under 5, living in the lower Amazon Basin. This is a great way for anyone to get involved. We’ve made it easy. You can donate any amount, but we are specifically targeting small donations of $1 to $5. This allows anyone to make a difference for one person, one family, and one community.

Amazon Basin Rescue – June 2016

Our second short term giving campaign compliments 0 to 5 NOW in that we are dedicated to raising an additional $2500 to purchase emergency food supplies for people who don’t have children 5 and under. Many of these one month supplies of food will go to the elderly and widowed. Your donation is a tangible way to make a profound impact in the lives of those who are in desperate need.

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