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Build Those Walls - How Community Centers Make A Difference

Effective education is fundamental in combatting systemic, generational poverty. When children, especially those living in under-resourced communties, do not have access to quality education their chances of breaking free from the chains of poverty are almost impossible.

Illiteracy is one of the key factors of generational poverty. Underfunded schools are a commonality in impoverished communties around the world. The lower Amazon region of Brazil is a microcosm of this world wide concern. Many children living in these communities never receive a basic education, often times due to a lack of sound support structures.

Community centers are a great avenue to encourage children and parents to continue learning. These centers are not only a focal point for commuity events, they are a foundation to build stonger, healthier families.

The community centers we have helped build and maintain sponsor medical and dental clinics, provide after school tutoring, assist families with dependency and addiction problems, and use arts and sports as building blocks to further a child's learning experience.

Currently, we are in the building stages of a community center in Curionopolis, Para, Brazil. This center will serve an area of the city that is in dire need of support.

By moving forward and building those walls, we are playing a small part in changing the world ONE PERSON ONE FAMILY and ONE COMMUNITY at a time.

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