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The World We Live In

Do you know that in the next 60 seconds 12 children age 0 to 5 will die from poverty related issues? Or, that there are approximately 30 million slaves on the earth today - more than at any other point in histroy?

The problems facing our world are so enormous most people who want to help don't know where to start. That is why we beleive in making a positive impact on the world one person, one family, one community at a time. The smallest of donations will have a profound impact on people who have virtually nothing. Give today to our 0 to 5 NOW or the Lower Amazon Basin campaigns. 100% of all donations will go directly towards the purchase of emergency food supplies for families living in the Lower Amazon Basin. A small team of volunteers from the United States will deliver the food in June. Team members will be paying their own expeneses to travel to the Amazon.

There are thousands of people seeking donations for any number of causes. Some of the causes are personal, some are for others, but the point is all of us have our fair share of opportunities to be generous. So why would you consider giving to Seeds of Life?


1. It’s easy - just click on one of our current campaigns and select how much you would like to give.

2. Anyone can give - our 0 to 5 NOW campaign is designed to target smaller donations of $1 to $5.

​3. Your donation will go directly to those in need - that’s right, 100% of every donation will be used to purchase emergency food supplies for families in the Lower Amazon Basin.

​4. It’s tax deductible - because we are a 501(c)(3) organization.

​5. Give the cost of one cup of coffee a month for 12 months - that would be about $24.

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